Crisp Packet Campaign

Royal Mail has stepped into a row between campaigners and crisp makers Walkers - by urging people posting empty packets to put them in envelopes. Campaigners asked people to post the non-recyclable plastic bags and "flood Walkers social media with pictures of us popping them in the post". Royal Mail is obliged by law to deliver the bags to Walkers' freepost address. But without envelopes they cannot go through machines and must be sorted by hand, causing delays. People have been taking selfies of themselves posting the crisp packets and putting them on social media with the hashtag #PacketInWalkers. It follows a petition hosted by 38 Degrees which called for Walkers to make their packets recyclable. "Walkers produce a staggering 7,000 plastic crisp packets a minute which they don't pay a penny to clean up. They need to listen to their customers and take action now."
