You Can Stick It!

The run-up to a World Cup is a time when children (and nostalgic adults) start collecting football stickers and cards. However, the launch of the 2018 World Cup sticker album has been met with fury by some on social media after it was revealed that the price of a 5-pack of stickers had increased by 60% to 80p. And fans have reacted furiously to the news that there has been a 30p increase in a pack of five from the price of stickers 4 years ago. According to reports, there are around 700 players in the sticker album, plus managers, stadiums and other extras with reports suggesting it would cost around £600 to complete the entire album. Indeed, this year, a sticker costs 16p each with packs remaining the same size. The company’s 2014 World Cup album was its biggest-selling ever worldwide, with British collectors buying in huge numbers. Total sales from the album were an estimated £3.5m.
